Monday, November 15, 2010

Remember, remember, the 5th of November ... or the 9th of August?

Dear Penny,

Occasionally I will view this blog and wistfully remember our better times. I think you've ruined dogs for me, but have made me more than ever want children.

I will always love you. You were my dog, and as cliche as it is, a boy and his dog will always be a memory I cherish.



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Night Terrors.

Dear Penny,

It was a strange dream I had last night. I was involved in a Sherlock Holmes case, which was exciting in it of itself - I screwed up the lead on my case because the mysterious girl we (Holmes, Watson, and I, in disguise) were tailing apparently figured out who we were by kissing me. She was just walking past, grabbed my head, and planted a long, wet one on me. And then later on Holmes had said she figured out it was me because of that kiss, and that our jig was up. Anyways, all action/adventure aside, the end of the dream involved me holding you and getting ready to go home - it was August 18th, 2009 in the dream - and apparently that was the day that was going to be your last. Strange, the 9th of August was your last day, not the 18th.
Irregardless, I spent the rest of the dream wishing I had some way to stop time, etc, etc. and woke up to a wet pillow. Apparently the tears I cried in my dream had also transpired in this reality.

Missing you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Dear Penny,

I'm away from home and aren't there to see you off. I'm sorry. I'll always remember you.

Love always,


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dear Penny,

I don't know why, but I'm really nervous. And there's not like there's anything to be nervous about, right? I mean, what's he's gonna say, no? He wouldn't say no, and yet, I'm still so ... butterflies-in-my-stomach.

*nervous sigh*

Here goes. I'll go ask at 9:00.

Lots of love.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Sunday, August 2, 2009

8/2/09, Home Sweet Home

Dear Penny,

It seems rather silly for me to start a blog to you. Well, I'd like to remember you, nevertheless. You are the second living being that is close to me and your loss will cause me grief. Who knows, though, you might outlive us all =).

*knocks on wood*

You are getting old and frail, and I'd like to say that I loved you dearly, even when it might have seemed like I didn't. I wish I could go back in time and cherish all those moments that I missed out on with you, and make up for lost time. As it stands though, I am no high ranking, top secret government official, nor does my path ahead lead that way, so I probably won't ever have the opportunity to go back and see you, at least not in this bodily form.

Perhaps one day someone will read these random ramblings and take in everything I missed out on with you. I always have, and always will, miss you so.

P.S. As for the title, I've just come back from Hawaii to the news that you are becoming elderly and frail, and that your time could be coming soon.